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Since their discovery in the 1970s, the omega-3 essential fatty acids have generated thousands of studies and clinical trials. Essential to life and good health, they protect against disease and can treat illness. Omega-3 is the name given to a family of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The parent omega-3 - alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) - is described as 'essential' as, like vitamins, it must be obtained from diet. Like all fats, EFAs provide energy. Their calorific value is similar to other fats and oils but, unlike saturated fats, they have important health roles. In fact, as their name suggest, they are essential and must be consumed regularly as the body has limited storage for them. Both of the important EFA families - omega-6 and omega-3 - are components of nerve cells and cellular membranes. They are converted by the body into eicosanoids, leukotrienes and prostaglandins - all of which are needed on a second-by-second basis by most tissue activities in the body. EFAs are involved in normal physiology, including: • regulating pressure in the eye, joints, and blood vessels, and mediating immune response Please Note :
For much of recorded history, the flax plant has served the human species with great distinction. The stalk is used to make linen and its shiny golden brown seeds are used for human consumption. Flax seed plays three primary roles in nutrition. First, the seed, powdered is rich in dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble, making it a useful digestive aid. Second, it is one of the best source of lignans, a nutrient with antioxidant properties. Third, the seed contains a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are termed "essential" because they are necessary for survival yet cannot be produced by the body. Among the essential fatty acids, omega-3 is the type that the mainstream Indian diet lacks the most. These factors make the little seeds a powerful and time-honored medicine. It is said that centuries ago, Hippocrates prescribed it for digestive problems and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Recently the health practitioners and nutritionists have been rediscovering the flax seed. Natural health guru Andrew Weil recommends consuming the ground seed rather than the oil, because pressing oil removes the fiber and, usually, the lignans [source: Weil]. A wealth of scientific literature has established the importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids in our diet. Our bodies thrive when we eat foods with omega-6 and omega-3 fats in the proper, roughly two to one. But in the modern diet, the usual ratio is more like 20:1 because of things like over-processing of foods, decreased fish (no fish for vegetarians, so are most prone to deficiency of Omega3) intake and increase in sugar consumption [source: Healing Daily]. Most nutritionists believe an omega-3 deficiency may be the root of a host of common maladies, from arthritis to eczema, asthma to heart disease, breast cancer to macular degeneration [source: Ho]. The anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 molecules in the body can make them useful in preventing and slowing disease. CoQ10 helps You Stay Young, Healthy, Playful and Enthusiastic - Even as You Hit 80 and beyond... CoQ10 is a naturally occurring vitamin like, antioxidant nutrient found in each cell of the body. Other Names: Coenzyme Q10, CoQ10, Ubiquinone, Vitamin Q. This nutrient was first identified by University of Wisconsin researchers. Co Q 10 is critical in the production of energy (ATP) in the mitochondria of living cells and carries electrons involved in energy metabolism. Your body stores enough ATP that will sustain rigorous activity for 5 to 8 minutes, and ATP must be constantly produced. For this to happen, your body needs a good supply of CoQ10. Without sufficient CoQ10, none of the systems in the body can function optimally because they simply do not have enough fuel to do their job. Most who take ‘VegOmega’ notice that it enhances physical energy. CoQ10 is produced by the body, but age (after 20), nutrient deficiencies, stress, pollution, disease and some medications can lower the body's CoQ10 levels. Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) deplete CoQ10. The only natural rich source of CoQ10 is red meat, especially organ meat and fish. But today’s commercially-raised, grain-fed meat/beef is a poor source. And, what about the vegetarians need? Product Overview: FlaxOmega
Botanical name of Flaxseed is Linum usitatissimum, means useful seed. It is also known as Linseed or ‘Alsi’. Gandhi ji wrote in one of his books: “Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health.” 2- FlaxOmega is the richest source of Omega-3 Fatty acid Alfa-Linolenic acid ALA on earth. Flaxseed contains 30-40% oil (including 36-50% alpha linolenic acid, 23-24% linoleic acid- Omega-6 fatty acids and oleic acids), mucilage (6%), protein (25%), Vitamin B group, lecithin, selenium, calcium, folate, magnesium, zinc, iron, carotene, sulfur, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, silicon, copper, nickel, molybdenum, chromium and cobalt. 4- Dr. Trehan famous Cardiac Surgeon of Escort Hospital, Delhi suggests all his Heart patients to include Flaxseed in their diet. 6- FlaxOmega helps to lower high blood pressure, clears clogged coronaries, lowers high blood cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raises good HDL cholesterol. Flaxseeds prevent clot formation in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thrombosis. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus. It lowers blood sugar level. Better regulation of blood sugar levels. Omega-3 Fatty acids present in Flaxseed appear to enhance the mechanical performance and electrical stability of the heart and to protect against fatal arrhythmias. 7- FlaxOmega is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which together work to lower cholesterol, aid digestion, and prevent constipation, which has a protective effect against cancer. The researcher concluded that flaxseed relieved constipation more effectively than psyllium. 8- FlaxOmega has received an overwhelming response from the athletic and bodybuilding community. An article entitled "Best of the Best", published in the bodybuilding and health enthusiast magazine Muscle Media 2000, claims flaxseed as "the hottest idea in bodybuilding" and "a surprising new category of bodybuilding supplement." Mr. Dan Duchene in his column "Ask the Guru", also writing for Muscle Media 2000, and ranked flaxseed as the number one bodybuilding supplement compared to all other available products. 9- Dr. Johanna Budwig, top European cancer research scientist proposed Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese diet for prevention and treatment of cancer, arteriosclerosis, strokes, cardiac infarction, enlarged prostate, arthritis and even immune deficiencies. Testimonials can be found for almost every type of cancer and tumors, even late stage. Dr. Budwig has been nominated for Nobel Prize 7 times, but was not given because of her refusal to use radiation or chemotherapy. 10- The essential fatty acids in FlaxOmega are largely responsible for its skin-healing powers. Dry skin, acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis often respond to the Flaxseed’s anti-inflammatory actions and overall skin-soothing properties. FlaxOmega has been shown to contribute to strengthen and fortify hair and work to nourish dry or brittle nails, stopping them from cracking or splitting. Flaxseed oil makes skin very soft. Flaxseed is a good anti-wrinkle therapy. Flaxseed, also known as ‘Alsi’, is edible cosmetic. It is your natural beautician. 11- Because the hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) in FlaxOmega helps stabilize a woman’s estrogen-progesterone ratio, they can have beneficial effects on the menstrual cycle, and relieve the hot flashes of menopause. FlaxOmega is known to reduce symptoms of PMS and osteoporosis. Essential fatty acids in flax seed have been shown to block production of prostaglandins that cause heavy bleeding. These lignans promote normal ovulation and promote consistent ovulation. Flax seed has been found to substantially increase milk production in women who are not producing enough milk to nurse their infants. It also often clears up breast engorgement. The EFAs also play a role in keeping sperm healthy, which may be of value in treating male infertility, and they can improve erectile dysfunction. Many patients reported that it delayed their ejaculation times. 13- FlaxOmega helps fight obesity. Makes you feel full (when taken 30 minutes before a meal). The essential fats in flaxseed cause the stomach to retain food for a longer period of time as compared to no-fat or low-fat foods. Further adding flaxseed to foods, creates a feeling of satiation (feeling of fullness and satisfaction) furthermore, flaxseed stokes the metabolic processes in our cells. 14- FlaxOmega keeps your mind cool and you stay cheerful. Negative thoughts stay far away from you. Your mood is always elated and positive. This is super anti depressant. Flaxseeds are essential for the function and structure of the brain and improve cognition, memory and concentration. You don’t become angry. Flaxseeds help in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Flaxseed can improve eyesight and perception of colors. Colors look bolder and vivid. Life becomes simply more colorful. 15- Flaxseed regulates your body temperature. Your mind and body feel comfortable and cool even in hot weather. That means it is edible natural air-conditioner. 16- The essential nutrients in FlaxOmega also increase oxygen consumption at the cellular level resulting in increased energy and stamina, and feeling of well-being. The World Health Organization and the National Cancer Institute recognize flaxseed as a "super food."
www.vegomega.in Adapted with thanks from an article by: - Dr. O.P.Verma |
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. All products are herbal and do not contain prescription ingredients. The information contained in the Website is provided for educational and information purpose only. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this website. Readers should consult Naturopathy or Ayurvadic health professionals on any Herbal products usage relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities may assume the risk of any injuries. The Website/publisher/Author is not responsible. |
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